Any time you need a reminder, you can reread this article. Now that you know the difference between cannot and can not, you don’t need to worry about misusing either of them. Can not should only be used when not is part of another phrase.Cannot can be further shortened into the contraction can’t.By and large three views have been expressed: (1) word-building is part of lexicology, (2) word. Cannot should always be spelled as a single word. The relations between word-building, grammar, and lexicology have not yet been made quite clear.Cannot and cant have the same meaning, but can not appears differently in a sentence.
Even if you get that wrong, it’s not too big a deal. In AP style (preferred by news media and PR agencies), connect the two nouns with a hyphen: sneaker-maker. In Chicago style (that is, in book- and magazine-style writing), make it two words: sneaker maker. Is it cannot or can not? These two spellings cause a lot of problems for writers, but the solution is quite simple. Is cannot one word or two words The answer is one word most of the time. But you can follow one of two easy styles. In these rare cases where it is appropriate, you would be well advised to simply rephrase your sentence, but if you insist on keeping it as it is, just remember that can not must be a part of two separate constructions to be correct. Of course, rules are meant to be broken, and sometimes, albeit rarely, cannot can appear as two words. cannot.Ī good rule of thumb is that cannot is always one word, never two.
This is also considered bad form and something to be avoided as much as possible. What does can not mean? Can not, as two separate words, is not a proper verb phrase. Besides the word 'sleek', you use 'the' to begin three out of 4 sentences in your example. Remember, however, to avoid contractions in formal writing. You can’t drive faster than the speed limit and expect to avoid getting a ticket.Cannot can also be shortened into the contraction can’t, which means the same thing.